How to Talk to Your Son about Puberty?

young teenage boy typing on a computer

Puberty is that time in the life of a young boy or girl when their bodies become mature. When boys reach Puberty, they get the sexual ability for reproduction. It’s a procedure that typically takes place between the ages of 12 and 16 for boys. It results in physical changes and has varied effects on boys. Kids do not accept these transformations easily and question them. How can you convince them or tell them that they are now in the puberty phase? Here you can get all information about Puberty.

What is Puberty?

Puberty starts when a child’s body changes into an adult capable of sexual reproduction. For males, Puberty is a natural and healthy growth stage. Boys show Puberty at 12 to 16 years of age. Most boys do not notice this transformation as early as 12 years.

How do I Know when It’s Time to Have the “Talk”?

The true is, there is never a “perfect” time to talk to a child about their body. One suggestion could be to wait until they are old enough to understand the conversation you are having with them. It would be even ok to even wait until their start showing physical signs such as acne or facial hair or when they ask directly “Dad/Mom why is my voice like this or not like that?”.

Just like when they were baby, they develop at their own time, same goes for puberty stages. not all teens go through it at the same age, nor are they all affected by it the same way.

Refer to the following symptoms and stages below.

First Signs of Male Puberty Symptoms 

  • Testicles grow bigger
  • The penis starts getting large and thick
  • Hair starts growing under armpits and around the penis

Stages of Puberty

It’s critical to keep in mind that each youngster will experience these changes uniquely. These puberty indicators may appear in some teenagers earlier or later than in others. And it’s normal for a male to be bigger or smaller than other boys. Every youngster experiences Puberty at their rate. Here we provide you with all stages of Puberty with the expected average age of Adolescents.

young teenage African american boy smiling wearing a yellow shirt
Everyone goes through it but who talks about it? Puberty.

Stage 1

It starts at 9 or 10 for boys. The brain sends signals to the body about changes. Pituitary glands receive hormones to start Puberty. Kids do not get significant physical changes in the first stage. 

Stage 2

The start of physical growth is stage two. The body starts to receive signals from hormones and begins minor physical changes in kids’ bodies. Boys reach stage 2 at the age of 12 or 13. The testicles and skin around them start a little growth. The growth of hair around their penis and testicles begins.

Stage 3

In stage 3, physical changes become more noticeable in males. Males typically begin to shift physically around the age of 13. The penis grows more prominent with the increasing size of the testicles. Some breast tissues develop under the nipples, which boys can feel by touching their breasts with fingers. It may feel a little painful. Voice changes (from low to high pitch) happen in males. The height difference and muscle mass become greater. Males start to experience wet dreams. 

Stage 4

Stage 4 typically begins in males around the age of 14. The scrotum will continue to grow in size and color, and the testicles, penis, and scrotum will all increase. Acne may begin to appear at this stage. The beginning of armpit hair growth. Permanent voice develops.

Stage 5

It is the last stage of Puberty. The teenager will finally achieve their full adult height and complete physical development. In males, the penis and testicles develop to their full and final size. Boys reach their full bloom, and growth in height becomes low. Some men need to start shaving their faces as the facial hair grows. The muscles can still enlarge or develop. Hence, after this stage, they became full-grown men.

How are they emotionally affected?

young teenage boy playing with a daisy in a field

The physical changes in kids’ bodies can affect their emotions. Kids start to feel awkward in these situations. Kids take more interest in social life. Some kids become mentally disturbed in this situation, and some feel extra possessiveness. 

Kids can develop anxiety and depression thinking of the physical changes in their bodies. Dealing with nightfall is also a challenge for boys. Never be afraid to talk to your child if anything seems very disturbing or if you are worried about their growth.

Social Impact of Puberty

The teenage years are a time of remarkable physical, mental, and social change. Teenagers develop their capacity for abstract thoughts throughout this time, developing the ability to plan and establish long-term objectives. Puberty increases one’s capacity for abstract thought, and he started taking an interest in politics, philosophy, and social issues.

Young boys began to consider their future and develop objectives for their life. They became aware of social life and began to create a contract between their thoughts and others. Social life attracts them to make some mark.

Development in Relationships

Many changes may occur as your adolescent starts to fight for independence and authority. These are some of the problems your teen might deal with at this age; They seek parental freedom. Acceptance and influence among peers are crucial in this stage as they will affect a lot of youngsters.

The interactions become complex because maybe he’s in love or in any other relationship. Kids may be in relationships with long-term commitments. It is a thing to understand for parents as they must support all their decisions.

Tips on Discussion with Kids

We provided every detail above. Now it is essential to guide parents in their communication with kids. Here are some tips;

  • First of all, ask them about their feelings. It can bring you to a conclusion about how you initiate your talk
  • Communication should be based on brief meetings and short sentences, and it must have a conclusion. Never leave any discussion without getting a proper result
  • Use actual body language during your communication (say Penis and Testicles to boys’ parts and make them understand all the terms
  • Have a session with them to discuss all the terms and body parts related to Puberty. Please provide them with the proper understandable knowledge of every part
  • Kids are exposed to these topics as social media, TV, and movies show them everything. So, start the conversation early to get the knowledge from the best person in their life
  • Remind your kids that it is a natural process and every person has faced it before, and it will continue
  • Be confident while communicating with your kids. Do not hesitate or feel embarrassed because you and your kids must work collectively to get better results
  • Keep things simple and normal and answers the kids’ questions properly

Parents need to talk to their kids gently so that they can understand Puberty.

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Sandy B

Howdy! I’m Sandy, a clinical mental health resident, children’s book writer, and a 1st time single mother to one grumpy dazzling ball of joy, obsessed with NETFLIX, and a total book NERD.

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